Last week was one of those occasions, and it was the worst possible creature that tried to make its new home in their garage. A black snake. My dad is DEATHLY afraid of snakes. Monte moved in on Thursday and Dad hadn't eaten anything since. We hadn't planned on visiting them yesterday, but when our original plans fell through, we decided to go visit and take the kids to the pool. . .and maybe catch the snake.
Dan's chance came just before dinner. After a brief prayer, he started searching in the area we had seen the snake before we went to the pool. He saw it, but couldn't keep a hold on it with the "snake grabbers" and it slithered away. He kept searching and started peeling insulation down and looking in the walls. He pulled one piece down and was looking up on the wall when he realized the snake was ON the insulation he was holding! (He was up on a ladder doing all of this.) He was calling for help, but those calls were drowned out by screaming children in the house. So, somehow, he managed to grab it with the grabbers, fling it on the floor and get it into a kitty litter bucket--which was secured with duct tape.

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