He was not so kind as to give us a nice profile view. You are looking at his left side. He is on his back with his bottom in the air, knees on his chest, feet above his head. You can kind of make out his nose and lips here, but it's pretty fuzzy.

We'll have another ultrasound in a couple weeks at the parinatologist so we can get a clear picture of his heart to make sure all the chambers and valves are forming correctly. We did this with Vivian, also, because of the defect Julia had. Hopefully we'll get a nice profile picture then.
So, Dan decided that we are going to call him Rufus until he is born--although, not around Julia so that she doesn't get confused when he is born and we start calling him something else. If you are trying to remember, we called Julia "Gertie" and Vivian "Millie". It's just a little game we like to play with everyone :)
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