1. Julia's 6 month cardiologist appointment is next Wednesday at 9:30. She will have an ultrasound to look at her heart--see how it is growing, see how the hole looks and see how much blood is leaking from the aortic valve. If you have forgotten/didn't know, Julia has a Ventricular Septal Defect--a hole in her heart. This is a link to the information on WebMD. It's a really good and simple explanation. http://www.webmd.com/heart-disease/ventricular-septal-defect

Thankfully, Julia's defect is small, and there is a flap of tissue that covers the hole occasionally, so there is a good chance that it could close up on its own. She has had no symptoms and is not on any medications. Unfortunately, we discovered at last February's appointment that the leak coming from the hole is causing the aortic valve to leak. That is definitely more serious and if the hole doesn't close she will have to have surgery to close the hole so the valve doesn't leak.
We pray every day for complete healing. Please join us.
2. It was discovered last week that my grandfather (Mom's Dad) has a 4 inch tumor on one of his kidneys.

They aren't sure if it is cancerous, but it seems to be growing quickly and has been causing discomfort for quite some time. His family Dr. and the oncologist say the tumor and the kidney should be removed ASAP. Unfortunately, that would be major surgery for an 89 year old man to have. The surgeon would have to go in through the chest to remove it. Grandpa is seeing his cardiologist to see if his heart could even take the surgery. He has congestive heart failure and had quadruple bi pass 25 or so years ago. Grandma is a mess. She's not sleeping because she is consumed with worry. Please pray for peace and comfort for them and wisdom and a steady hand for the surgeons.
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