Monday I did just what every mother wants to do. . .
spend the afternoon in a Children's Hospital ER with 2 small children.
Here is the time line--
12:10 pm: Julia stood up in her chair at the kitchen table and talk to Vivian while I was making lunch. She then proceeded to fall out of her chair (which has booster legs on it so it is another 4 inches taller) and land on the hard kitchen floor chin first.
She broke the skin and was bleeding a little. I couldn't tell how deep the cut was, but it bruised very quickly. I decided that she should go to the ER and have it checked out in case it needed stitches.
I got her calmed down and we all finished lunch. (who wants to to to an ER on an empty stomach?) I called Dan and let him know what was going on. He was unable to meet us there because it was a payroll day and the first day of January month-end close.
12:45: I got dressed and made myself look presentable--no shower. Dan calls and asks if I could take her to Urgent Care instead of the ER because it would be a cheaper claim on our insurance. Unfortunately, if she needed stitches, Urgent Care won't do them on young children. He suggested I call the Dr. to see where she recommends I take her. I call to appease him, and wait on hold for over 5 minutes. The nurse says take her to the ER.
1:00: I'm finally ready to walk out the door and I can't find my keys. Dan did something with them this past weekend when we went to Indiana. I call him at work--no answer. I call his cell--he says they are in my purse--there are about 6 different compartments in my purse. He tells me which one and I found them.
1:15: Finally pull out of the garage. Realize I don' t have enough gas to get to the ER.
1:45: Get to the Cincinnati Children's in Liberty Township. Set up the double stroller. Load up the sleeping children. Wait my turn. Get checked in.
2:05: Sit down and wait. Julia is asleep, Vivian is awake and won't last too much longer in her seat.
2:20: Get registered.
3:10: Our name is finally called. Julia wakes up just as we get to the weigh station and is, of course, not happy. The nurse asks pertinent medical questions, takes vitals, and sends us back out to the waiting room.
3:30: We get called to go back to our triage room. The nurse asks more questions, leaves and we wait some more. Vivian is crying because she is tired. Julia is crying because she is tired and scared. I want to cry just because. We start reading books. Vivian falls asleep, Julia calms down.
3:50: The Dr. finally comes in. She asks more questions. Examines Julia. Diagnoses her with Contusions and Abrasions. That's Dr. talk for a bruise and a cut. No stitches required. Yea! (although, I'm thinking at least stitches would have made my time and money worthwhile)
4:10: A paramedic comes in and washes her chin with soap and water and puts on neosporin and a band-aid (which she actually left on)
4:20: We are discharged to go home. Julia wants to finish reading a book we started (and had already read) so we finished it and left.
4:30: Leaving the parking lot for home.
What a day! I was supposed to go to a meeting that evening, but didn't end up making it. Dan got home just after 8. The girls were in bed by 9. I was ready to collapse. What a day!