I love peonies. They are my favorite flower--probably because my Grandma Maurer had a row of them lining her garage. They bloomed beautiful white and pink flowers every May just in time to take to the cemetary for Memorial Day.
I tried to grow a peony bush at our house in Dayton, but we had too much shade. I was so excited when we moved to this house--which has no shade--and we had 2 bushes on the side of the house. They have grown into the biggest peony bushes I have ever seen! They are at least 4 feet tall without the blooms. We brace them because, inevitably, right after those big blooms pop out we get a huge storm and they turn to mush in the mulch--plus I just hate to see them all drooping over from their weight.
So, here are some pictures of my fragrent, beautiful peonies in memory of Grandma Maurer.