Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Fifth Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Third Birthday tickers
Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, July 31, 2009

How Does Your Graden Grow?

Because mine grows like a jungle.
Here is our pumpkin patch. This is 2 plants. The one on the right is obviously doing better. We weren't sure if they were going to be yellow squash or pumpkins. We had seeds from both in this spot and they sprouted up this spring.

You would think that a plant this big would have tons of squash or pumpkins on them. Nope. We only have 1 pumpkin. It's huge. I can't get a tape measure around it, but it is over 12 inches from stem to the bottom. I have no idea how much bigger it's going to get, either.

We have had other pumpkins form, but they always rot. I think it might be because the flowers don't fall off. I picked the flower off the latest ball forming so I'll see if my theory is correct. Maybe we won't have to buy pumpkins at all this year!

We even have a little friend keeping our pumpkin patch pest-free

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

New Playset

Julia and Vivian got a new playset last weekend. Grandma and Grandpa were kind enough to disassemble it from its previous yard in Urbana, bring it down here, and help reassemble it.

Julia could hardly wait to start playing.

Vivian got to move up to a bigger swing--I think she likes it.

Here's Julia "dressing up" in Grandpa's disgusting work hat and sweatband.

The slide works!

It's all done--time to finally play!

Julia tries out her new big girl swing. She's not quite sure about it yet.

Daddy is getting in on the fun, too!

Thanks for all your help Grandma and Grandpa!

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Sticky Summer Fun

Last week we gave Julia and Vivian popsicles. It was a warm evening and bath night so we stripped them down to their underpants and handed them the juicy red treats.

Vivian insisted on holding her popsicle by the popsicle. Her hands were completely red when she was finished. They were most likely numb, too. She was just a complete mess.

Julia was a little cleaner.
She enjoyed sucking the juice out of the bottom of the holder with the attached straw.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Another Update

I know--I'm such a bad blogger! Since my last post--over a month ago--we've had a lot going on.

June 14-18--Dan and I volunteered at VBS every evening. It was fun, yet exhausting.

My grandpa was diagnosed with liver cancer and was in the hospital a couple weeks before he finally passed away June 27th. The whole family was there when he passed. The funeral was July 3rd. I'm comforted knowing he's in heaven walking around and looking down on us every day. (he couldn't see any more and walking was very difficult for him)

We have been potty training Julia. She has done pretty well and is now out of diapers/pull-ups during waking hours at home. Next is training her while we are away from the house and going on the big loud public toilets. I had plans to do lots of humorous blog postings during this adventure--didn't happen. Sorry. Here's a picture I took on the first day. Whenever she doesn't want to sit on the potty we threaten her with the gate.

I'm almost 16 weeks pregnant! Had to break out the maternity clothes last weekend. I don't mind. They're comfy and it's like getting a whole new wardrobe! Here's the last ultrasound picture we had of the baby on June 26th. In case you are unable to decipher an US picture, you are looking at a profile of the baby's right side as he is lying on his back. The top of the head is on the left. You can see the nose, lips and chin and his left hand is on his chest. The next US is August 14th and we'll find out that it's a boy--I mean find out if it's a boy or girl :)
So those are the big things going on around here. Hopefully I'll be better about posting stuff, but I'm not going to promise anything :)