She and big-sister Julia have been sharing a room since Vivi was about 3 months old. It has never been a perfect arrangement, but we have a 3 bedroom house with no basement so there doesn't leave too many options for a desk for our desktop computer as well as an area for the cat boxes and food.
Well finally a few weekends ago, I decided we needed to become creative and stratigic about how we can clean out the 3rd room and actually make it a bedroom for Vivian and a nursery for future babies (no, we are not pregnant). This decision came one Sunday afternoon when the girls were supposed to be napping and Dan and I were were working on Small Group homework in different parts of the house. One woke the other up and that was the end of naptime. Unfortunatley, this is a frequent occurance at naptime or during the night. It is very dificuly to get 2 small children back to sleep in the middle of the night when they both want to be held by Mommy.
Anyway, this is a work in progress. We moved out the cat boxes and food dishes and moved in Vivi's crib (after disassembeling and reassembeling it).
Here is what the girls' room looked like before
Here is what Julia's room looks like now

Here is what Vivian's room loks like now
We have ordered a computer armoire that will go in the kitchen. All the scrapbooking and stamping materials will be packed into tubs and stored in the closet. The stuff that is in the closet now will either go in the garage or into the attic.
It took Vivian a few days to adjust to being in the now room, but it is working out OK. The biggest problem for now is that she is in the same room as the computer so it is dificult to get in there during nap time or after she goes to bed for the night. She actually woke up today as I was working on this post and is screaming at me as I am typing. (Julia didn't nap at all and I finally have her distracted with PBS)
The cats are adjusting to the move. The biggest change is for Zoe, our antisocial cat. She pretty much lived in the office because she doesn't care for Maddie or Josie.
Their food and water is now behind the big chair and the second litter box is in the downstairs bathroom.
I'll post more pictures as more changes are made!